Friday, 1 July 2011

Day 23 & 24

Yesterday was my graduation ball, therefore I had no time to blog yesterday. (See next post for more info on the ball).

Day 23 - Give pictures of 5 guys who are famous who you find attractive

In no particular order:

Day 24 - Your favourite movie and what its about
I have many favourite movies but the first one that springs to mind whenever I hear this question is 'The Notebook'. Its a basic love story, star-crossed lovers e.t.c. with a bit of a twist. I love it because its so sweet and such an accurate representation of love, the actors have so much chemistry its unbelievable! Oh and also its got Rachel McAdams in it, whom I love!

:) x


  1. Who is the fourth guy? The one in purple? The other four, omg, they make me want to hot. Lool
