I've always thought the saying 'things can't get any worse' is possible one of the worse sayings in the world. Who made it up anyway? Everyone knows that sometimes you just have one of those days where you wake up late and can't have a shower so that you can catch the bus, but then you miss the bus anyway, and then the next bus is late, and then you get to Uni and you find out your lecture was canelled anyway, so you decide to go home and sleep but your next door neighbour is playing music and you can't exactly tell them to stop because it is the middle of the day... you get the drift. And at the end of day's like that you always think to yourself 'things will get better tomorrow' but that is possibly one of the worst things to think in my opinion, because you are just setting yourself up for a fall.
Now the reason I am going on and on about that saying is because, as those close to me will know, lately I have had a lot of problems related to money. Basically I have this rich Uncle in Nigeria who feels indebted to my dad for bringing him up, and so he tries to help me out in life as much as he can. This year he has been sending me some money every month to go towards my living costs, but the money stopped in april! Then I had to pay my deposit for my house which took up most of my overdraft (because yes, I was in my overdraft by then) and then I had no money towards the summer, which has resulted in me sitting at home bored stiff. Next week, our first month of rent is due and I did not know how I was going to pay it, because my Uncle decided to be stush with his money for the first time in his life. I was really, really worried about it and became and insomniac and literally had to beg for help, but luckily he isn't a heartless mand and he gave me the money.
So, finally, that was sorted, and I was finally able to sleep. I still needed money for other things but none where as important as that. Now for a couple of days, my baby (laptop) has been acting dumb and my mum kindly bought me anti viral software to see if I could find out what was wrong (I know I sound spoiled but I'm not!). Basically the anti viral software kept causeing my laptop to shut down and restart itself in 'safe mode'. I bought my laptop in America and so I contacted HP technical support in America and basically they told me to this test and it turns out my hard drive needs replacing. But the good news is that my warranty runs out tommorow so I can get it done free. So right then I'm thinking to myself things are getting better and then KABLAAM the inevitable happens.
'Where are you currently residing?' the lovely technical support advisor asks.
'United Kingdom' I reply.
'Ooooh...' she says.
'Oh,' I say 'what do you mean oh?'
'Well, we can only provide techincal support within the country it was bought it.'
So basically, I couldn't get it for free and it is going to cost just under £200 to get a new one. My mum's saying I might aswell invest more money and buy a new laptop. Either way another lot of money is going to be needed.
Another constant worry for me at the moment is my 21st birthday. Without any money, how am I going to celebrate it? Well I'll let you know how that goes....
I swear the saying should be 'no money, more problems' rather than 'more money, more problems' although I suppose it's money that caused this problem in the first place...
Anywho, I'm out!
God is Love
(lol I well think I'm Rev Run)
A blog eh?
ReplyDelete- Jason.