Before I write this I just want to say how good it feels to have my laptop back!
Right now, back to business! While my laptop was getting fixed I thought I would catch up on my reading and so I went to the library to borrow some books. One of the books I borrowed was 'Pay it forward' by Catherine Ryna Hyde. Now I am not here to write about this book, because most people will not care, but rather I am writing about the concept of 'paying it forward' which is in the book.
Basically the idea is that one person starts of the chain, and does three big favours for three people. These favours need to be big, like things you would do for your family and maybe your closest friends. Then, instead of saying to these people 'you have to pay it back' you tell them that they have to 'pay it forward' meaning that they have to do a very big favour for three more people. Eventually it adds up, and everyone ends up doing favours for everyone else.
Now I think that is a marvellous system. However, would it work? Would people really pay it forward or would they just be grateful not to have to pay it back? I was having a discussion with someone about it, and they told me that they would never do it because they would feel as if they were being taken for a mug. That explains it all really doesn't it.
I just think that if people are looking for ways to change the world, then starting off small can always work!
The film of this is really cool!!! It's got Kevin Spacey, Helen Hunt and Haley Joel Osment in it - REALLY GOOD!!!